Send invoices by mail for each member

Hello community,

I would like to create an invoice (PDF) for each member in my DB, save it in a binary field and send it to the member.

What would be the best process for this?
I know I need a Report, Mail Merge and a Menu.

Thank you.


I am getting a solution together for you to create your PDFs for each member and will get back to you soon with it.

In the meantime the following links will help you with how mail merges and automating these mail merges are performed in Five.

This link will will open the mail merges help to give you assistance on how mail merges work in Five.

This link opens a learning resource that could be of assistance to you as well as it uses mail merges and our document uploader. There is also an fdf here that you can download and import to use as a reference.

If you create a menu item for the mail merge, you could then manually send out the emails when you needed to. Another option is you could automate the emails by creating a job.

I hope this helps for now and I will get back you shortly.


Currently we cannot automate PDF creation from reports, it is in our future timeline. You could send the invoices as HTML formatted emails using our current mail merge solution. You can create a report to generate a PDF but you would manually need to save it and upload it using our _DocumentUploader display type and send out again using our mail merge and attaching the PDF, you can see an example of this in the AIS learning resource that I sent you.

In regards to the current mail merge solution, you could create a query that calculates the invoice amounts etc for a number of members and the mail merge could be scheduled or ran immediately to send out to all members in that query.

How far is this in your future timeline?

Hi eahendrix,

We are looking to put this in our next release!