Error invalid query


I type this query into the SQL tab: SELECT * FROM Membres
When I switch to the DESIGNER tab, I get the following error:

Using “" character for the SELECT is a common way to get all fields.
But when I do that, I get “No options” from "Name Field ID
” and “Email Field ID*” for Mail Merge.

Thank you.

If the Designer is unable to visually display the SQL, you will receive the message that you have received. Wild cards are currently not supported in the Designer, hence, *

Hi Jo-Anne,

It would be great if “*” could just map to the entire fields definition. So we wouldn’t have to think about it if we add a new field.

Thank you.

Thanks f.i.SCIENCES, I will certainly pass this on to our QA team, it is something that we will look into implementing in the near future.