Hello Five Support,
On Dashboards, even on full screen, the bottom part of the lowest Dashboard element is not full displayed. See screenshot attached.
Hello Five Support,
On Dashboards, even on full screen, the bottom part of the lowest Dashboard element is not full displayed. See screenshot attached.
…A suggestion regarding my yesterday’s bug report:
It would be great to have an ability to TURN OFF displaying the Data View footer. The number of lines info is not always needed, and it takes a lot of valuable real estate on the screen.
When you are displaying just one Data View it might be ok, but when you have to display multiple Data Views on a single Dashboard (3-4 or more), the footer gets in the way.
Hi vladt,
This issue has been fixed and will be in our next release! Take a look at the screenshot below.
Thanks for the feedback on having the ability to turn the total row count off, I will bring this forward in our next weekly product review meeting.
Kind regards,
Thank you very much, Jo! Can you please provide me the fdf file of the demo library application, from which you sent the screenshot to me? I like the layout of this dashboard, the presence of two textboxes, the search button, etc. and I’d love to learn how it’s done.
Thanks again!
Hi vladt,
This app is not available at the moment as it is going through upgrades but will be available again soon with documentation. It will be available again in a few weeks, I can let you know as soon as it is ready if you like?
Kind regards,
Hello Vladt,
I have drafted a very rough fdf for you which contains the same layout shown in Jo’s image and is done in 2.6. It consists of 4 Data Views and 2 Processes. If I remember correctly, I have shown you how to update Data Views using a Process so that should help you with the functionality of the Dashboard.
Take note of how the Dashboard has been pieced together, specifically the number of rows and columns. By using 5 rows, I was able to make the top row (containing the search bar and button) smaller than the rows containing the Data Views.
VladtDashboard-20240815-0634197324023.fdf (2.9 MB)
Let me know how you go! I am more than happy to provide an in depth example using the processes to updated the Data Views or incorporate other functionalities that you to desire if needed.
Best of luck,
Hi Riley,
Thank you for the reply. What you showed me before regarding the Data Views and Processes helped me a lot, and I was able to successfully create my own Dashboard with 4 Data Views that are based on 4 queries, which return results based on the selection in one drop-down list also located on my Dashboard.
When I saw the screenshot that Jo sent, I got interested in particular in analyzing how 2 text boxes (not drop-down lists) and the search button are programmed and also wanted to see the green theme code.
That’s why I asked for the fdf of that specific application.
If you could add that to your example application, would be amazing!
Thank you!
Hello Vladt,
I have attached the same fdf in which now contains two text box inputs and a button above the four Data Views instead of a dropdown search bar and button.
I have also made a couple simple changes to the theme within the app. If you would like to adjust the theme in your app, you can do so by going to:
Setup → Themes → Create New → Edit Theme
From here, you can either edit the theme via Five’s editor or by modifying the raw code (to modify the raw code, click on the Advanced tab at the top).
After you have created the theme, you will then need to go to:
Setup → Instances → Select Instance → Add Previously Made Theme
VladtDashboard-20240818-2152324050924.fdf (2.9 MB)
I hope this helps!
Hi Riley,
Thank you for your reply.
I am working on a Dashboard, on which there should be two textboxes, one for the Start Date and another for the End Date. Once the user enters dates in these textboxes, the dates must be passed to one specific Query that will return results based on the entered date interval. The returned query results must be displayed on the Dashboard.
Please explain step-by-step how to make this happen.
Thank you.
Hello Vladt,
We have had a similar question previously.
Here is the forum link (particularly the entry made on March 15th, the FDF is also there as well):
Let me know if you come across any difficulties and I can provide a more in depth example,
Hi Riley,
I don’t see the connection between my inquiry and the question from March 15 you’re referring to.
Here are more details on my task in question:
I need to create a query that takes two date parameters (Start Date and End Date) that the user enters into two text boxes on the Dashboard.
In particular, I have the “Deals” table with the following fields:
I need to display on the Dashboard the following fields from this table where the DealDate is not earlier than the Start Date AND not later than the End Date:
The user must be able to enter the Start Date and End Date into the text boxes on the Dashboard.
The Start Date and End Date that the user enters must then be passed as parameters to a query.
The results that this query returns must be displayed on the Dashboard.
Earlier, you showed me how to pass ONE parameter that the user selects in a drop-down list to a query. Now, I need to pass TWO parameters to a query (Start Date and End Date).
Here is the query:
CONCAT(‘$’, FORMAT(DealAmount, 0)) AS ‘DealAmount’,
CONCAT(DealCommissionRate, ‘%’) AS ‘DealCommissionRate’,
CONCAT(‘$’, FORMAT(DealCommissionAmount, 0)) AS ‘DealCommissionAmount’,
DealStatus.DealStatus AS ‘DealStatus’
DealStatus ON Deals.DealStatusKey = DealStatus.DealStatusKey
Deals.DealDate BETWEEN ‘2024-06-01’ AND ‘2024-12-31’;
In the query above, instead of the specific dates (in bold), must be the dates entered by the user on the Dashboard.
Please explain how to do that.
Thank You!
Hello Vladt,
Sorry for the confusion. Here is an application that has been created which allows you to select a start and end date in two separate fields. A Data View, which is presented under these two fields, will then display the records in between the chosen dates.
InvoiceApp-20240829-0006294303947.fdf (2.9 MB)
It works similarly to passing One parameter, however, instead of using processes, screen fields have been used within the Data View.
The query used for the Data View then takes the values inputted into these screen fields as parameters.
Be sure to also set the query to live.
I have attached the FDF at the beginning of this message so you are able to replicate it in your application.
I hope this helps,
Hi Riley,
Thank you very much for the detailed instructions!