I created a Form using Form Wizard. Very simple form where data source is a table and the first field is a _Lookup.
Running the application: no issue. I browse the list, the lookup field is updated each time as I select a new record in the list.
Then I modify the size of only one field using the Form Designer. Save the app and re-run it again.
This time, the lookup field is updated for the first selection,. but when I select a new record in the list, the lookup field always remains empty.
I have two follow-up questions to make sure I understand the problem correctly:
Can the record be saved even though the lookup field is empty?
If the answer to question 1 is yes, what happens when you export this table’s data as a CSV? Does the lookup field contain a value (i.e. the foreign key) inside the CSV?
Thanks for the additional information, Jean, I’ll pass this on to our QA team for further review. It appears to be a display problem (rather than a data problem, since the record is stored correctly). We will get back to you. Please allow for a few days, as most of our company is off for the Christmas break.
I am trying to reproduce the issue that you are having. Could you please just double check the steps I have performed to see if we have any differences as I can’t reproduce it, however, I can see in your images that the data is not displayed in the field.
To begin with I am using Windows and Edge browser.
I created two tables, Product and Customer, the Customer table has a foreign key to the Product table. (Created by table wizard.)
I created two forms in the form wizard each one referenced the tables. The first field in the Customers form is the Product lookup.
I ran the app, added data in the Products form and then data in the Customers form. (Product lookup is showing all correct values in the lookup.)
I then selected different records in the list and the Product field held the value.
I went back into Five and with the Form Designer, resized the second field (as this is the field you have changed in your image).
Then I re-ran the app and I am getting all the values still displayed in the Product field for all the saved Customer records.
My second field that I resized has a Date data type and display type as I was trying to set up your scenario as best as possible.
Could you please tell me are you using Windows or Mac and what browser are you using.